If You Are A Warehouse Worker At Costco...

You Want To Watch This Important Video!

Become A Teamster Today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join the Teamsters Union?

Because you aren't currently unionized, you don’t have guaranteed wages, health benefits or a secure pension. You are an “at-will” employee. You check your rights at the door, and Costco can fire you or change your conditions of employment at any time and for almost any reason.

Under a Teamsters contract Costco is held to your collective agreement. Discipline must be for just cause and progressive. Not on a whim like it is now!

Inflation has gone through the roof, and Costco has raised the price of goods and merchandise in their stores significantly. But they have left you behind - haven't they?

By becoming a Teamster with your fellow workers, you will have the strength to negotiate a legally binding contract that includes better wages, affordable health care, a secure retirement and a safer workplace.

How much does a Teamster Warehouse Worker earn?

Working in a warehouse is a fast-paced, demanding, and sometimes dangerous job - and you deserve to be compensated for that. Teamster warehouse workers at Sysco earn $34.93; in 2025 they will earn $37.03; in 2026 they will earn $39.25 and in 2027 they will earn $41.41.

It is all laid out in their Teamsters contract. You get what you negotiate - and that is the beauty of being in the Teamsters Union! Without a union you just have to live with what management gives you...

Right now, you don't know if your getting a raise next year - let alone how much of a raise. And without a contract, it can all change at the whim of your employer.

What about overtime?

Currently a Sysco warehouse driver earns about $72,654 without any overtime. However they get paid overtime after 8 hours; double time after 10 hours; paid breaks; and a four-hour minimum when working an overtime shift on a day off.

Will I get a Teamsters Union pension?

That is what we have negotiated for other Teamsters! Many of our Teamsters have a pension - paid by the Employer.

And don't think a Teamster pension won't help you if you are older... 

You will receive an unreduced pension if your retirement date is the end of the month in which you have satisfied ALL of the following criteria:
(a) attained age 61;
(b) accumulated 12 or more years of credited service, and
(c) had contributions made on your behalf in or after the month in which your 55th birthday occurred.

See Page 9 of the Teamsters Pension Book for details! And if you are looking for that or other specific information on the Teamsters Local 213 Pension you can download the booklet by clicking here.

What about medical and dental benefits?

That is what we have negotiated for other Teamster warehouse workers! That is why it is important to join the Teamsters Union and get it in writing. Currently the Employer can reduce your benefits to a bare-bones plan or eliminate your benefits at will! When you have a collective agreement, you are legally protected!

Will The Company Know I Signed A Union Card?

NO! Membership cards are confidential. The cards go directly from the Union to the BC Labour Board - and both BC and Canadian labour law contain express provisions preventing any Employer access to the cards or identifying information. Under labour law every employee is free to be a member of a trade union and there are severe penalties if management threatens, intimidates or discriminates against you. You don't have to answer any questions from management. And if any problems or concerns come up call Project Coordinator Alex Bruse (604-992-0077) or Project Coordinator Graeme Collins (604-861-2079) immediately.

What if I have more questions?

If you have more questions, you can reach out to Graeme Collins at 604-861-2079 ( Graeme@Teamsters213.org ) or Alex Bruse at 604-992-0077 (Alex@Teamsters213.org). They are ready to help you!